Ephesians 1:19-21

JMNT(i) 19 And further, [I pray that you may know] what [is] the continually surpassing greatness (or: the constantly transcendent, repeatedly overshooting and thrown-beyond huge extent) of His ability and power [being given] unto, and into, us the people continuously believing, progressively trusting and constantly loyal in accord with (or: down from; corresponding to) the operation (or: energizing; internal working) of force (or: might) of His strength, 20 which is operative (or: which He exerted and inwardly worked) within the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah), awakening and raising Him forth from out of the midst of dead folks and then seating Him within (or: = at) His right [hand] (or: in union with the place of honor, strength and receiving which is Him), within the things (or: among the folks, places or realms) situated upon the heavens (or: in the super-heavenlies; within the full, perfected heavenlies; in union with the celestials; among the folks [residing] upon the atmospheres), 21 up over (or: back above) every primacy (or: ruler; principality; government; controlling effect; or: beginning; origin) and authority (or: right and privilege from out of being) and power (or: ability) and lordship (or: ownership), as well as every name being continually named not only within this age, but also within the impending one (the one being presently about to come)