Acts 9:20-25

JMNT(i) 20 then straightway (at once) began publicly proclaiming Jesus within the synagogues – continuously heralding that this Man is (exists being) God's Son (or: the Son which has the character and qualities of, and whose origin is, God)! 21 Yet all the folks presently listening and hearing [him] continued amazed and astonished (literally: standing out of themselves), and were one after another saying, "Is not this man the person [who] in Jerusalem was laying waste (devastating; ravaging; trying to kill) the people habitually calling upon this Name? And now he has come here, into this place (or: unto this purpose), so that after [their] having been bound, he could lead them on to the head (chief; ranking) priests!" 22 But Saul kept on being more exceedingly empowered and was progressively given inner abilities, and so he kept on pouring [thoughts; ideas; Scriptures] together – [to the point that] he was creating an uproar among, and was confounding, the Jews presently living and permanently dwelling in Damascus – progressively causing [his arguments] to stand together, thus proving conclusively that this Man is (exists being) the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah; [note: = "God's Son," of vs. 20, above]). 23 Now as a considerable number of days were, one after another, being fulfilled (or: = coming to a close; thus: = quite some time later) the Jews consulted together to assassinate him (to "take him up"). However, their plot became known to Saul. 24 Now they also kept on closely watching and covertly guarding the gates both day and night so that they could capture and assassinate him. 25 So his students (disciples), by night taking [him] through [an opening or window in] the wall, let him down by gradually lowering [him] in a hamper (possibly: a basket made of braided ropes).