Acts 10:10-33

JMNT(i) 10 But he became very hungry – almost ravenous – and began desiring to at once taste (= eat) [something]. Now during their being in the midst of preparing [a meal], an ecstasy happened (an out-of-place state of being was birthed [p45 reads: came]) upon him, 11 and he is now – as a spectator – watching the sky (or: heaven; the atmosphere) – having been opened up – and in the process of descending [is] some container, like a large, fine linen sheet, being gradually but progressively lowered down onto the ground (or: Land; earth) by [its] four corners (extremities; origins; beginnings), 12 within the midst of which were continuing under [the directive, or, power] of [their] origin all the four-footed animals, as well as creeping things (perhaps: insects; reptiles) of the ground (or: land; earth) and flying creatures of the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven). 13 Then a voice was birthed to him (or: occurred, [directed] toward him), "After getting up (or: Upon arising), Peter, slaughter (or: sacrifice) and then at once eat [it]!" 14 But Peter said, "Not even one [of those], Sir (or: Lord; Master; or: = Yahweh?), because I never eat (or: ate) all [that is] common (= what is not set-apart as food for Israelites and is forbidden by the dietary rules of the Law) and unclean (meaning: ceremonially unclean)!" 15 Then again, a voice, forth from a second [one, saying] to him: "You are not to continue making, or considering, common [the] things which God cleansed (or: cleanses) and made (or: makes) clean!" 16 Now this happened on a third [time] (or: So this occurred three times), and immediately the container was taken back up again, into the sky (or: the atmosphere; heaven). 17 Now as Peter was continuing thoroughly perplexed (bewildered and at a loss, as when not knowing what road to take) within himself [as to] what the vision (or: sight) which he saw would likely be (= mean) – now look and consider this! – the men who had been sent off on the mission by Cornelius, after sorting out by making inquiry throughout [the town] and ascertaining [the location of] Simon's house, approached and stood by at the portal (or: vestibule; gateway). 18 Then calling out loudly, they kept inquiring if Simon – the one surnamed Peter – is still being entertained as a guest (or: continues lodging) in this place. 19 Now during Peter's repeatedly going through his feelings about the vision (what he saw), continuing engrossed in pondering the effects of that which was seen, the Breath-effect (or: Spirit) said to him, "Look, and take note! Three [B reads: Two] men are presently seeking you! 20 "But now, after getting up, you at once go downstairs (descend; climb down) then continue going you way together with them – doubting nothing and continuing in making no discrimination nor separating yourself in even one thing – because I Myself have commissioned them and sent them off on this mission." 21 So after walking downstairs to the men, Peter said, "Look, I myself am [the person] whom you are presently looking for. What [is] the cause for which you men are now present?" 22 So they said, "Cornelius – a centurion (army officer), a just, fair and equitable man who lives in accord with the way pointed out, as well as being habitually God-fearing, besides being a person constantly attested (reported by witnesses; = highly regarded) by the whole nation of the Judeans – was given useful and practical instructions on this matter, by a set-apart agent (or: sacred messenger): to send you over unto his house, and then to listen face-to-face to gush-effects of your spoken words and declarations (or: to [the] effects of the flow, at your side; or: = to hear in person what you have to say)." 23 Therefore, upon inviting them in, he entertained and lodged [them] as guests. So on the next day, after getting up, he went with them – and some of the brothers (= fellow believers) from Joppa accompanied him. 24 The following day (or: On the day after that) he entered into Caesarea. Cornelius, of course, was looking forward in anticipation for them, calling together to himself his relatives and the indispensable intimate friends. 25 So it happened as Peter was [about] to enter, Cornelius, upon meeting with (or: encountering; intercepting) him, in falling prostrate at [his] feet did obeisance (showed respect and offered homage) [to him]. 26 Yet Peter raised him up, while saying, "Get up (or: Stand up; Rise)! I myself also am the same as you – a human!" 27 And so, while continuing to converse with him, he entered and is then finding many people having come together and now assembled. 28 Thus he affirmed to them, "You folks continue well versed [in the fact] and are well aware of how illicit and inappropriate (forbidden by [our] Law and contrary to [our] established order) it is for an adult man [who is] a Jew (or: is of the Jewish culture) to be intimately joined to, or to regularly come to (or: visit and associate with), a man from another race. And yet God pointed out and demonstrated to me not to continue saying [that] even one human [is] common (= socially or ceremonially unhallowed or defiled) or unclean. 29 "Wherefore – and without speaking against it or debating the matter – I come (or: came), being sent over. I am now, therefore, inquiring to ascertain for what reason (or: to what word; matter; issue) you folks sent over for me." 30 Then Cornelius brought the matter to light: "Four days ago, exactly to this very hour, I was in the midst of thinking and speaking with a view toward having goodness and well-being (or: praying) within my house, at the ninth [hour] (three in the afternoon), and – now consider this! – an adult man (male human being) in bright, shining clothing stood before me 31 "and proceeds to utter, 'Cornelius, your thoughts, speech and deeds toward goodness and well-being (or: prayer) came into hearing (or: [entering] into the midst were heard; or: were listened into) and (or: even) your gifts, as well as acts, of mercy were remembered in God's sight and presence. 32 "'Therefore, send into Joppa and call over Simon, who is normally being surnamed Peter. This man is currently being lodged and entertained as a guest in the house of Simon, a tanner, by [the] sea.' 33 "Thereupon I immediately sent to you [D adds: urging you to come to us and help us], and you did beautifully (or: ideally) in [D adds: quickly] coming to be at [our] side. At this time, then, we ourselves are all present – in the sight and presence of God – to at once hear all the things having been commanded to you from, and now arranged for you by, the Lord [= Yahweh; p74, D & others read: God]."