2 Peter 2:17-19

JMNT(i) 17 These people are (or: exist being) springs without water and clouds (or: mists; fogs) being constantly driven by (or: under) a storm (or: a squall), for whom the gloom of the darkness has been kept for an indefinite period of time. 18 For you see, in continuously uttering over-swollen (over-weighted; extravagant; pompous) things pertaining to emptiness (vanity; futility), they are constantly using bait to trap – in the midst of cravings (or: full passions) of flesh (= alienated human nature) by outrageous (or: licentious) behavior – those folks scarcely [other MSS: actually] fleeing from the people habitually twisting themselves up in deception (in wandering), 19 while constantly promising freedom (or: liberty) to them, they themselves continuously subsist inherently being slaves of the corruption (the ruin; the decay) – for you see, by whom (or: by what) anyone has been, and now exists being, made inferior (or: less), to this one (or: by this thing) he has [some MSS add: also] been enslaved, and now exists as a slave.