2 Corinthians 7

JMNT(i) 1 Therefore, beloved ones, continuing in possessing (having and holding) these – the [aforementioned] promises – we can and should cleanse ourselves off from every stain, pollution or ceremonial defilement of flesh (= the estranged human nature; = a self oriented to the System) and of spirit (or: from flesh as well as from a spirit or attitude; or: pertaining to an alienated persona, or even to an attitude bound to the System), while progressively bringing the state and condition of being set-apart (holiness) to a successful completion (or: in continuing to perform dedicated consecration amidst its destined goal), centered in a reverence from God (or: in union with respect, with regard to God; in God’s fear; [p46 reads: in God's love]). 2 You folks make room (create space; set up an environment) for us! We wrong no one (We at no point related to anyone unfairly or contrary to the Way pointed out; We act unjustly to no one). We spoil no one (We caused no one to decay or be corrupted). We have more than no one (or: We overreached no one so as to have an advantage over him). 3 I am not now speaking with a view toward condemnation (a decision to bring [you] down), for I have said before that you folks continuously exist (or: are) within our hearts – into the [situations of both] to die together and to be continuously living together! 4 [There is] much freedom of speech, frankness, outspokenness and boldness in me, toward you folks. [There is] much boasting in me, over (in regard to) you! I have been filled full so that I am stuffed with relief, encouragement and comfort – I continue overflowing from the progressive flood of superabundance which encircles me in joy – which tops all our pressure and tribulation (or: by the joy upon every squeezing, ordeal, affliction and oppression). 5 For even upon our coming into Macedonia, our flesh (= physical selves, or inner natural beings) had not had a let-up or slackening (a release so as to be at ease), but to the contrary, among all people and in every situation and manner [we were] ones being continuously pressed, rubbed together and oppressed: outside, fights and battles; inside, fears! 6 Nevertheless God, the One continuously performing as a Paraclete for the low ones (i.e., repeatedly calling the humbled and downhearted to [His] side to give them aid, relief, ease, comfort and encouragement), paracleted (comforted, assisted and encouraged) us in the arrival and presence of Titus, 7 yet, not only in his presence, but further, also within the relief, comfort and encouragement (the influence of a paraclete) in which he was paracleted (comforted and encouraged) upon you folks [i.e., over your situation], repeatedly reporting back to us your longing (strong and anxious love with fond regret), your grievous expression of anguish and remorse, your fiery zeal over me – with result that it caused me rather to rejoice – 8 because even if I made you sad and anxious (or: cause you pain and sorrow) in the letter, I am now not regretting or changing my purpose of conduct – even if I had been regretting and altering my purpose of conduct – for I see (observe) that that letter made you sad and anxious (pained and sorrowful), even if for an hour. 9 Now I continue rejoicing – not that I was made sad or anxious (pained or sorrowful) – but rather, that you were made sad and anxious [leading you] into a change in thinking and frame of mind, for you were saddened and made anxious down from and in correspondence to God, to the end that you could in nothing be disadvantaged through loss, injury or damage due to (or: from out of) us. 10 For you see, the anxiety, sadness and pain down from, in the sphere of, in line with and in correspondence to God continuously works, habitually effects and progressively produces a change in thinking and frame of mind: [in turn, leading] into a deliverance and wholeness of health (a rescue and restoration to the original state and realm; salvation) void of regret and without change in purpose. Yet the anxiety, sadness, pain and sorrow which belongs to the world (that comes from secular society, and the organized System of religion, culture, economy and government) is continuously working down the production of death (or: is in line with repeatedly and progressively bringing about death). 11 For consider (or: look)! This very thing – the [experience for] you to be made sad and anxious down from and in accord with God – to what extent it accomplished (produces; worked down and effects) [qualities] of haste to earnest diligence in you folks; but further, verbal defense (apologetics); but still further, indignant displeasure [with the whole situation]; yet further, fear and respect!; but then, longing (strong and anxious love with fond regret); on the other hand, fiery zeal and enthusiasm; yes, in fact, righting of what is wrong (maintaining justice out of rightwised relationships from the fairness of the Way pointed out) – within the midst of everything, in every respect and among all people, placing yourselves and standing together to continuously exist being pure in this practice-effect (or: results of the matter). 12 Consequently, even if I write (or: although I wrote) to you, [it is] not on account of the one doing wrong (behaving contrary to the Way pointed out; acting unjustly or injuriously; the offender), nor either on account of the one being wronged (being treated unfairly or unjustly; being injured; the victim), but rather on account of the [opportunity] to set in clear light and manifest to you folks your haste to earnest and diligent care – that which [was] over us and on our behalf – in God's sight. Because of this we have been, and remain, encouraged and comforted (we have received the influence of a paraclete). 13 Yet, in addition to our encouragement and comfort, we rejoice still more abundantly due to the joy of Titus, because his spirit has been rested up and continues refreshed by all of you folks (or: from you all), 14 because if I have made any boast to him, over you folks, I have not been brought down in shame or disgrace, but to the contrary, as we speak all things in truth and reality, thus also our boasting on Titus came to be truth (was birthed into reality). 15 Also, his innermost feelings and compassions (internal organs; intestines) are progressing more abundantly into you folks, while progressively calling back to mind the submissive hearing and humble obedience of you all – as with fear and trembling (or: respect and attentive concern) you received him. 16 I continue rejoicing, that in everything I am constantly with good courage and confidence in you – that I can depend and rely on you folks.