2 Corinthians 4:8-11

JMNT(i) 8 We are people being constantly pressed [as grapes] on every [side] (or: squeezed and constricted within the midst of everything; given affliction, oppression and tribulation by everyone), but yet not constantly confined by a narrow space or a tight place so as to be restricted or hemmed in (or: = not cramped beyond movement); we are those being repeatedly made to be without resources, a place to walk or a means for conveyance (or, as a middle: we are habitually at a loss about things, in doubt and perplexed), but yet not continuously caused to be living utterly without resources or absolutely with no way out or place to walk or means for conveyance (or, middle voice: but still, we are not continually living at a total loss, being in complete doubt, being greatly perplexed or in utmost despair); 9 we are folks being constantly pursued and persecuted, but yet not habitually left in the lurch, being forsaken down within some situation; we are those being repeatedly thrown down, but yet not continuously caused to fall apart (be loosed-away into ruin; be undone so as to be destroyed) – 10 at all times continuously carrying around (or: bearing about) among the body Jesus' being put to death (or: within [our] body the deadening, or the state of death, which comes from Jesus; or: within the midst of the body the dying associated with Jesus), to the end that the life, also, of Jesus (or: so that also the life which comes from and is Jesus; or: so that Jesus' life) can (may; would) be set in clear light and manifested, within our body (or: in the midst of the body, which is us)! 11 For we, ourselves – the continuously living ones – are ever being repeatedly handed over into death (or: = continuously delivered into life-threatening experiences) – because of Jesus – to the end that the life, also, of Jesus (or: so that also the life which comes from and is Jesus; or: so that Jesus' life) can (may; could; would) be set in clear light and manifested – within our mortal flesh!