15 because within (or: by) God, we continuously exist being Christ's sweet fragrance (or: because we are an aroma of well-being for God which has it source in Christ; or: because by God we continue being an odor of ease, and a smell of goodness, which is Christ) within and among those being progressively delivered (habitually rescued; continuously made whole and returned to their original state and condition) – yet also within and among those being progressively loosed-away (or: habitually destroying themselves; or: repeatedly being lost):
16 to (in; for; with) these [latter ones], a stench from out of Death, [leading] into death (or: from the midst of [one] death on into [another, or, more] death); yet to (in; for; with) those [former ones] a fragrance from out of Life, [leading] into life (or: from out of the midst of [one Life] on into [another, or, more] life). So who [is] adequate, sufficient or qualified [in facing or approaching] toward these matters?