10 Now to whom you repeatedly extend grace or deal favorably [concerning] anything (or: for whom you constantly deal graciously or give forgiveness [in] anything), I also [do], for you see, in whatever I myself have also been extend grace, treated graciously or forgiven – since I have been extended grace, favor or forgiveness for something (or, as a middle: for what I myself have extended grace – if I have extended grace for anything) – [it is] on account of and for the sake of you folks, within the presence of Christ (or: in union with the face of the Anointing; = in sync with what the anointing looks like),
11 to the end that we may (or: can; would) not at some point be held or possessed in more things or situations by the adversary (or: be made by satan to desire to have more than other folks; be overreached by the adversary so as to desire personal advantage), for we do not continue being without intimate and experiential knowledge (or: we are not still ignorant, unaware or without gnosis) of the effects and results from its directing our minds.