2 Corinthians 12:15-19

JMNT(i) 15 So I myself most gladly shall spend (pay the expenses) – even be completely spent (exhausted; bankrupted) – over (on behalf of) your souls. Even if I am constantly loving you excessively, I am habitually being loved less. (or: And since I am continuously loving you more abundantly {or: too much}, am I being loved less?) 16 Yet, let it continue to be. I myself do not (or: did not) overburden or weigh you down. Nonetheless, being inherently ready to do anything and capable for every work, [you say that] I caught you, taking you by bait (as used for fish)! 17 Not anyone whom I have sent off to you folks [did this]! Did I take advantage of you through him? 18 I called Titus alongside, urged [him] and sent [him] off, together with the (or: [his]) brother (or: = fellow believer and member of the Family), as an emissary (sent-off representative). Surely Titus did not take advantage of you! Do we not walk about in the same Spirit (or: = Do we not live and order our lives with the same attitude)? Not in the same footprints? 19 All this time [other MSS: Again] do you folks continue thinking (supposing; presuming) that we are repeatedly making a verbal defense to you? Down [here] in God's stead and place, we are constantly speaking within Christ and in union with [the] Anointing. And the whole (all [these] things), beloved ones, [is (are)] over (on behalf of) your edification (your upbuilding; the construction of your house).