1 Corinthians 7:26-31

JMNT(i) 26 I therefore reason from custom [that] this continues to be inherently beautiful (fine; ideal; good form) – because of the present necessity which has been placed within through compulsion (= a time or circumstance of stress) – that the it is ideal (fine; beautiful) for a person to continue being thus (= as he is; or: for humanity to continue existing in this way): 27 Have you been bound together so that you are now tied to a wife? Stop (or: Do not continue) seeking loosing or release. Have you been released so that you are now loosed from a wife? Stop (or: Do not continue) seeking a wife. 28 Yet even if you should marry, you are not making a mistake (or: missing the goal). And if the virgin or celibate woman should marry, she does not fail (is not making a mistake or missing the goal). Still, such folks (= those who do) will continue or proceed having pressure and constricting stress, in the flesh (= their natural lives) – and as for myself, I [would] spare you folks [that]. 29 Now I forcefully declare this, brothers (= family), the season (fitting and appointed situation; fertile moment) now exists being one that has been contracted (drawn together so as to be shortened, curtailed and limited)! So that for the remaining [time] (the rest of [the season]), those presently having wives (or: the men now holding a woman) should proceed in being as not presently having [them], [note: in the culture and time which Paul is here addressing, the term “married,” or, “having a woman” referred to both formal marriage, and to a man and a woman living together] 30 and those presently weeping (lamenting; shedding tears), [should be] as [if] not weeping, and those presently rejoicing, [should be] as [if] not rejoicing, and those habitually buying at the market place, [should be] as [if] not constantly holding on to it (owning it; keeping it held down; retaining it; = not being possessive), 31 and those habitually employing (making use of) the System (the ordered arrangement and world of culture, economy, religion and government; or: secular society) as not folks who are constantly using it down (= making excessive employment or over-use of it), for the outward fashion, mode of circumstance, condition, form-appearance (or: character, role, phase, configuration, manner) of this System (ordered world of culture, religion and society) is progressively passing by (= the present scheme of things is changing and passing away).