1 Corinthians 15:51-54

JMNT(i) 51 See (Look and consider)! I am progressively telling you a secret ([the] mystery)! We, indeed, shall not all continue falling asleep, yet we all will continue being changed (or: On the one hand, not all of us will continue [dying], but on the other hand, we all will be progressively altered; or: We all shall not continue being put to repose, and so we all shall keep on being transformed; or: All of us shall not continue sleeping, but we all will continue being rearranged to be another or made to be otherwise), 52 within the midst of an instant (or: in union with what is uncut and indivisible), in a rapid sweep or blink of an eye, within, or in union with, the midst of the last or final trumpet. You see, the trumpet will continue sounding (or: For He will proceed to be trumpeting; Indeed, it will keep on trumpeting), and the dead people will one-after-another be awakened and raised up [A, D and others: will keep on standing back up again; will continue being resurrected] incorruptible (imperishable). And so we ourselves will keep on, one-after-another being changed (or: progressively be made otherwise, altered and transformed). 53 For it continues being necessary (it is habitually binding) for this perishable and corruptible to at some point plunge (or: sink) in and clothe itself with (or: slip on; put on) incorruption and imperishability, and for this mortal (one that is subject to death) to at some point plunge and sink in and clothe itself with (or: put on; slip on as a garment) immortality (or: the absence of death; deathlessness; undyingness). 54 Now whenever [other MSS add: this corruptible would (or: may) put on incorruption and] this mortal would (or: may) plunge, sink in and clothe itself with (or: slip on; put on) the Immortality, then will continue taking place (or: proceed being birthed; successively come into existence) the word (the thought; the message; the saying) which has been written, "The Death was drunk down and swallowed into Victory (or: overcoming)!" [Isa. 25:8]