1 Corinthians 10:32-11:1

JMNT(i) 32 Progressively come to be people who are not obstacles or causes for stumbling (= become inoffensive) – both to Jews and to Greeks (or: those of the Hellenistic culture), as well as to God's called-out community (or: God's called-out person), 33 correspondingly as I myself am also habitually accommodating and pleasing all folks in all things, not continually seeking the thing that bears together for advantage, profit, welfare and expedience of myself, but to the contrary, that which pertains to The Many – to the end that they can be saved (rescued, delivered, healed, made whole and restored to their original state and condition)! 11 1 Progressively come to be imitators of me, correspondingly as I, myself, also [am] of Christ and from [the] Anointing.