1 Corinthians 10:32 Cross References - JMNT

32 Progressively come to be people who are not obstacles or causes for stumbling (= become inoffensive) – both to Jews and to Greeks (or: those of the Hellenistic culture), as well as to God's called-out community (or: God's called-out person),

Acts 20:28

28 "Continue holding focused toward and taking attentive care – to and for yourselves, as well as for all the little flock among whom the Set-apart Breath-effect Itself (or: the Holy Spirit Himself) set you folks [as] ones who look around over people for their welfare and oversee situations – to be continuously (or: habitually) acting as shepherds of God's [other MSS: {the} Lord's {= Christ's or Yahweh's}] called-out community which He built as a surrounding for Himself (or: made to encompass Himself), through (or: by means of) His own blood.

Acts 24:16

16 "Within this I myself also habitually exercise, exert myself, train and make endeavors: to be constantly having (or: habitually holding) a conscience free from striking toward [others], being inoffensive to God as well as [to] humanity – through all [situations] and at all [times].

Romans 14:13

13 No longer, then, should we continue judging (making decisions about; discriminating against; separating away) one another, but rather, to a greater extent you folks must decide this: not to continue placing (or: setting) the stumbling-block (that which results in tripping) for or in the brother; neither a snare (a trap-spring; a cause for tripping or becoming trapped).

1 Corinthians 8:13

13 Because of this very reason, if food is habitually being a snare-stick to entrap my brother (= fellow believer; family member) or cause him to stumble, I should under no circumstances eat meat (flesh [i.e., referring to what was offered to idols]) – on into the Age! – so that I should not be a snare-stick to entrap my brother (or: group member) or cause him to stumble.

1 Corinthians 10:33

33 correspondingly as I myself am also habitually accommodating and pleasing all folks in all things, not continually seeking the thing that bears together for advantage, profit, welfare and expedience of myself, but to the contrary, that which pertains to The Many – to the end that they can be saved (rescued, delivered, healed, made whole and restored to their original state and condition)!

1 Corinthians 11:22

22 So do you folks by no means continue having houses for the habitual eating and drinking? Or are you constantly despising (holding a negative attitude toward) God's called-out community, and are you repeatedly pouring shame and disgrace down on those presently having nothing? What should I say to you? Am I supposed to now praise and commend you folks? In this I am not now sending praise, applause or commendation upon [you]!

2 Corinthians 6:3

3 [We are] habitually giving no one a cause for striking [a foot] against something so as to stumble (or: a reason or occasion for making a cutting attack toward someone) – not in even one thing – so that the attending service and dispensing of provision would not at any point be found flawed so as to be discredited,

Philippians 1:10

10 into the [situation for] you folks to habitually test, examine, distinguish and determine (or: make sure by proving) the things that carry through and are thus of consequence or make a difference, so that you may constantly be (continually exist being) folks judged by the light of the sun (thus: clearly sincere and with integrity) and ones [that are] not stumbling or jarring against [anything] nor striking toward [someone] and causing trouble, on into the Day of Christ,

1 Timothy 3:5

5 now if anyone does not know (has not seen and is not aware) to put himself or herself at the head of (= lead, provide for and protect) her or his own household so as to stand before and lead them, how will she or he be thoughtful of, take an interest in, and take care of, God's called-out community?

1 Timothy 3:15

15 but if ever I should be slow (or: delay), [I am writing this] to the end that you may see and thus know how it is necessary and binding to be twisted and turned back up again within God's household (or: to be treated, conducted or caused to behave in God's house), which is (or: exists being) a called-out community of [the] Living God (or: whose source is a living God; which has the qualities and character of [the] living God; or: which is a living god), a pillar and foundational seat of The Truth (or: a base from and an effect of a settling of reality),

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.