1 And I sawe in the ryght hande of hym that sat in the trone, a boke written with in & on the backsyde, sealed with seuen seales.
2 And I sawe a stronge angell, which preached wt a lowde voyce: Who is worthy to open the boke, & to lose the seales therof.
3 And no man in heauen ner in erth nether vnder the erth, was able to open the boke, nether to loke theron.
4 And I wepte moch because no man was founde worthy to open & to reade the boke, nether to loke theron.
5 And one of the elders sayde vnto me wepe not: Beholde, a lyon of the trybe of Iuda, the rote of Dauid, hath obtayned to open the boke, and to lose the seuen seales therof.
6 And I behelde, and lo, in the myddes of the seate, and of the foure bestes, and in the myddes of the elders, stode a lambe as though he had bene kylled, hauynge seuen hornes, and seuen eyes, whych are the seuen spretes of God, sent into all the worlde.
7 And he came, and toke the boke out of the ryght hande of him that sate vpon the seate.
8 And when he had taken the boke, the foure beastes and .xxiiii. elders fell downe before the lambe, hauyng (euery one of them) harpes & golden vialles full of odoures, which are the prayers of saynctes,
9 & they songe a new songe, saying: thou art worthy to take the boke, & to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, & hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kynredes, & tonges, & people, & nacyons,