31 And there went forth a wynde from the Lorde: and brought quayles from the see: and let them fall about the hoost, euen a daies iorney rounde about on euery syde of the hoost, and as it were two cubites hye ouer the erth.
32 And the people stode vp, and all that day and all the nyght, and on the morowe they gathered quayles. And he that gathred a lytle, gathred ten homers ful. And they spred them abrode rounde aboute the hoost.
33 And whyle the flesh was yet betwene their teth, and yer it was chewed vp: beholde, the countenaunce of the Lorde was moued agaynst the people, & the Lord slewe the people with an exceadynge great plage.