1 Wo is me: I am become as one, that goeth a gleanynge in the haruest, There are no mo grapes to eate, yet wold I fayne (wyth all my herte) haue of the best frute.
2 There is not a godly man vpon earth, there is not one rightuous amonge men. They laboure all to shed bloud, and euery man hunteth his brother to death:
3 yet they saye they do well when they do euel. As the prince will, so sayeth the iudge: that he maye do him a pleasure agayne. The greate man speaketh what his herte desireth: & the hearers alowe him.
4 The best of them is but as a thistle, & the most rightuous of them is but as a breer in the hedge. But when the daye of thy preachers commeth, that thou shalt be visyted: then shall they be wasted awaye.
5 Let no man beleue his frende, ner put hys confydence in a brother. Kepe the porte of thy mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome:
6 for the sonne shal put his father to dyshonoure, the daughter shall rise agaynst her mother, the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe: and a mans foes shalbe euen they of hys awne housholde.
7 Neuerthelesse, I will loke vp vnto the Lord I wyll paciently abyde God my sauyoure: my God shal heare me.