Micah 6:10-16

Great(i) 10 Shuld I not be displeased, for the vnrightuous good in the houses of the wycked, & because the measure his mynished? 11 Or shulde I iustifie the false balaunces and the bagge of disceatfull weyghtes, 12 amonge those that be full of riches vnryghtuously gotten: where the cytesins deale with falshede, speake lyes, & haue disceatfull tunges in their mouthes? 13 Therfore, I will take in hande to punish the, & to make the desolate, because of thy sinnes. 14 Thou shalt eate, & not haue ynough: yee, thou shalt bringe thy selfe downe. Thou shalt fle, but not escape: & those that thou woldest saue, will I delyuer to the swerde. 15 Thou shalt sowe, but not reape: thou shalt presse out oliues, but oyle shalt thou not haue to anoynte thy selfe withall: thou shalt treade out swete must, but shalt dryncke no wyne. 16 Ye kepe the ordinaunces of Amri, and all the customes of the house of Ahab: ye folowe their pleasures, therfore wyll I make the waste, and cause thy inhabyters to be abhorred, O my people: & thus shalt thou beare thyne awne shame.