1 In those dayes when ther was a very great company, and had nothynge to eate. Iesus called his disciples to him, and sayde vnto them:
2 I haue compassion on the people, because they haue nowe bene wt me thre dayes, and haue nothing to eate:
3 and yf I sende them a waye fastyng to theyr awne houses, they shall faynt by the waye. For diuers of them came from farre.
4 And his discyples answered hym: where shulde a man haue bread here in the wyldernes to satysfye these?
5 And he asked them: how many loues haue ye? They sayde: seuen.
6 And he commaunded the people to syt downe on the grounde. And he toke the seuen loaues, and whan he had geuen thanckes, he brake, and gaue to hys dyscyples, to set before them. And they did set them before the people.
7 And they had a fewe small fysshes. And whan he had blessed, he commaunded them also to be sett before them.
8 And they dyd eate, and were suffysed. And they toke vp of the broken meate that was left seuen baskettes full.
9 And they that dyd eate: were about foure thousande. And he sent them awaye.
10 And anone he entred into a shyp with his disciples, and came into the parties of Dalmanutha.