Mark 4:16-20

Great(i) 16 And lyke wyse the other that receaue sede in to the stonye grounde, are they: whych when they heare the worde, at once receaue it wt gladnes, 17 yet haue no rote in them selues, and so endure but a tyme: and anone whan trouble & persecucyon aryseth for the wordes sake, they fall immediatly. 18 There be other also that receaue sede into thornes and those are soche as heare the worde, 19 & the cares of this worlde, and the disseytfulnes of ryches and the lustes of other thinges, entre in and choke the worde, and it is made vnfrutfull: 20 and other ther be, that haue receaued sede into a good ground: they are soche that heare the worde, and receaue it, so that one corne doth brynge forth thyrty, some syxty, some an hundred.