1 And whan he rose from thence, he went into the coastes of Iurye through the regyon that is beyonde Iordan: And the people resorted vnto hym a freshe. and as he was wont, he taught them agayne.
2 And the Pharyses came, and asked hym. Is it lawfull for a man to put awaye hys wyfe: to proue hym.
3 And he answered, and sayd vnto them: what dyd Moses byd you do:
4 and they sayde, Moses suffered to wryte a testimonall of deuorsement, and to put her awaye.
5 And Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: For the hardnes of youre herte he wrote thys precept vnto you.
6 But at the fyrst creacyon. God made them man and woman.
7 Therfore shall a man leaue hys father & mother, & byde by, hys wyfe,
8 & they twayne shalbe one fleshe. So then are they now not twayne, but one fleshe.
9 Therfore, what God hath coupled together let not man separate.
10 And in the house hys discyples asked him againe of the same matter.
11 And he sayeth vnto them. Whosoeuer putteth awaye hys wyfe, & maryeth another, breaketh wedlocke to her warde.
12 And yf a woman forsake her husband, and be maryed to another, she commytteth aduoutrye.