47 The cloth that the plage of leprosye is in, whether it be lynen or wollen,
48 whether it be in the warpe or woofe of lynen or of wollen: ether in a skynne or any thynge made of skynne,
49 yf the dysease be pale or som what reddysh in the cloth or skynne: whether it be in the warpe or woofe or any thynge that is made of skynne, then it is a plage of leprosye, and shall be shewed vnto the preaste.
50 The preaste therfore shall se the plage, and shut it vp seuen dayes,
51 and loke on the plage the seuenth daye. Whych yf it be increased in the cloth (whether it be in the warpe or woofe, or in a skynne) or in any thynge that is made of skynne it is the leprosy of a fretinge sore: it is vncleane:
52 & that cloth shalbe burnt, ether warpe or woofe whether it be wollen or lynnen, or any thynge that is made of skynne, where in the plage is, for it is a frettynge leprosye, it shalbe burnt in the fyre.
53 If the Preaste se that the plage is not growen in the cloth: ether in the warpe or woofe or in whatsoeuer thynge of skynne it be,
54 the preast shall commaunde them to wasshe the thynge wherin the plage is, and he shall shut it vp seuen dayes moo.
55 And the preaste shall loke on the plage agayne, after that it is washed. And yf the plage haue not chaunged hys coloure, and is sprede no further abrode, it is vncleane. Thou shall burne it in the fyre, for it is freat in warde: in parte or in all together.
56 And yf the Preaste se that the plage is darcker after that it is wasshed, he shall rent it out of the cloth, or out of the skynne, or out of the warpe or out of the woofe.
57 And yf it appeare any moare in the cloth (ether in the warpe or in the woofe or in any thynge made of skynne) it is a waxinge plage. Thou shalt burne the plage that is in it.
58 Moreouer the cloth, ether warpe or woofe or whatsoeuer thynge of skynne it be whych thou hast wasshed, yf the plage be departed there from, it shalbe wasshed once agayne: and then shall it be cleane.
59 Thys is the lawe of the plage of leprosye in a cloth whether it be wollen or lynnen: eyther in the warpe or woofe, or in any thynge of skynnes, to make it cleane or vncleane.