Leviticus 13:47-59

Bishops(i) 47 The garment also that the plague of leprosie is in, whether it be a woollen garment or a lynnen garment 48 Whether it be in the warpe or woofe of lynnen or of woollen, either in a skin, or any thyng made of skynne 49 If the disease be light greene, or somewhat reddishe in the garmet or skinne, whether it be in the warpe or woofe, or any thyng that is made of skinne: then it is a plague of leprosie, & shalbe shewed vnto the priest 50 The priest therfore shal see the plague, and shut it vp seuen dayes 51 And he shall loke on the plague the seuenth day: which, yf it be increased in the garment, whether it be in ye warpe or woofe, or in a skinne, or in any thyng that is made of skinne, it is the leprosie of a frettyng sore, it is vncleane 52 And he shall burne that garment, eyther warpe or woofe, whether it be woollen or lynnen, or any thyng that is made of skinne wherin the plague is, for it is a frettyng leprosie, it shalbe burnt in the fire 53 If the priest see that the plague is not growen in the garment, either in the warpe or woofe, or in whatsoeuer thing of skinne it be 54 The priest shall commaunde them to washe the thyng wherin the plague is, and he shall shut it vp seuen dayes mo 55 And the priest shall loke on the plague agayne after that it is wasshed: and yf the plague haue not chaunged his colour, and is spread no further abrode, it is vncleane, thou shalt burne it in the fire: for it is fret inwarde, whether it be bauld behynd [in the head] or before 56 And yf the priest see that the plague is darker after that is is wasshed, he shall cut it out of the garment or out of the skinne, or out of the warpe, or out of the woofe 57 And yf it appeare styll in the garment, either in the warpe, or in the woofe, or in any thyng made of skinne: it is a spreadyng plague, thou shalt burne that wherin the plague is, with fire 58 Moreouer the garment, either warpe or woofe, or whatsoeuer thing of skinne it be which thou hast wasshed, yf the plague be departed therfrom, it shalbe wasshed once agayne, and then it shalbe cleane 59 This is the lawe of the plague of leprosie in a garment whether it be woolen or lynnen, either in the warpe or woofe, or in any thyng of skinnes, to make it cleane or vncleane