John 3:1-6

Great(i) 1 Ther was a man of the Pharises named Nycodemus, a ruler of the Iewes. 2 The same cam to Iesus by nyght, and sayde vnto him: Rabbi, we knowe that thou arte a teacher come from God: for no man coulde do suche myracles as thou doest, except God were wt him. 3 Iesus answered & sayd vnto him: Uerely, verely, I saye vnto the, except a man be borne from aboue, he cannot se the kyngdom of God. 4 Nicodemus sayeth vnto hym how can a man be borne when he is olde? can he enter into hys mothers wombe and be borne agayne? 5 Iesus answered verely, verely, I saye vnto the: except a man be borne of water & of the sprete, he cannot enter into the kyngdom of God, 6 That whych is borne of the flesshe, is flesshe, and that which is borne of the sprete, is sprete.