17 Moreouer, Idumea shalbe a wildernes: whoso goth by it, shalbe abashed, and wonder at all her myserable plages.
18 Lyke as Sodome, Gomor, and the cytyes that laye ther about were turned vp side downe, saith the Lord, so shall no body dwell in Idumea, and no man shall haue his habitation there.
19 Behold, lyke as the lyon, so shall a destroyer come vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane vnto the stronge dwelling place: & when I haue made him quiet, I will make him to fle from her: and all chosen men, will I set in araye agaynst her. Who is lyke vnto me? What is he that will stryue with me? What shepherde maye stande in my handes?
20 Therfore, heare the councell of the Lorde, that he hath taken vpon Idumea: and hys purpose that he hath deuysed vpon the citesyns of Theman. The leest of the flocke shall teare them in peces, & loke what fayre thinge they haue, they shall make it waste, & them selues also.