Jeremiah 32:37-44

Great(i) 37 Beholde, I will gather them together from all landes, wherin I haue scatered them in my wrath in my fearfull and great displeasure: and wyll bring them agayne vnto thys place, where they shall dwell safely. 38 And they shalbe my people, and I wilbe their God. 39 And I wyll geue them one hert and one waye, that they maye feare me all the daies of their lyfe, that they and their chyldren after them maye prospere. 40 And I wyll sett vp an euerlastyng couenaunt with them. Namelye, that I wyll neuer ceasse to do them good, and that I wyll put my feare in their hertes, so that they shall not runne awaye from me. 41 Yee, I will haue a lust and pleasure to do them good, and faythfully to plante them in this lande with my whole hert and with all my soule. 42 For thus sayth the Lorde: lyke as I haue brought all this great plage vpon this people, euen so wyll I also bring vpon them all the good, that I haue promised them. 43 And men shall haue their possessions in this lande, wherof ye saye nowe, that it shall nether be inhabited of people ner of catell: but be deliuered into the handes of the Chaldees. 44 Yee, lande shalbe bought for money, & euidences made therupon, and sealed before witnesses in the countrey of Beniamin, and rounde aboute Ierusalem, in the cities of Iuda, in the cities that are vpon the mountaynes, and in them that lye beneth: yee, and in the cityes that are in the south. For I wyll brynge their presoners hither agayne, sayth the Lorde.