Isaiah 66:4-6

Great(i) 4 Therfore wyll I also haue pleasure in laughynge them to scorne, and the thynge that they feare, wyll I brynge vpon them. For when I called, no man gaue answere: when I spake, they wolde not heare: But did wickednesse before myne eyes, and chose the thynges that displease me. 5 Heare the worde of God all ye that feare the thynge which he speaketh. Youre brethren that hate you, and cast you out for my names sake, saye: The Lorde is haynouse against vs, but you shall se him in ioye when they shalbe confounded. 6 Then shall be heard agret noyse from the cytie and the temple, the voyce of the Lorde, that wyll rewarde, & recompence his enemyes: