Isaiah 22:1-7

Great(i) 1 The burthen of the valley of vision: What hast thou to do here, that thou clymest vnto the house toppes? 2 Thou that art full of occupieng, thou sedicious & proude citye: thy slayne men are nether put to death wyth swerde, ner deed in batell. 3 All thy captaynes are fugitiue together, the archers haue taken them presoners: All they that are founde in the, are in captiuyte together, because they fled farre of. 4 Therfore sayd I: let me alone & I wyll make lamentacion. Ye shall not be able to comforte me, because of the destruccyon of the daughter of my people. 5 For thys is a daye of trouble, of ruyne, & of destruccyon that the Lorde wyll bryng to passe in the valley of vision, breakyng downe the citye, & cryeng vnto mountaynes. 6 Elam bare the quyuer wt a charet of fote men and of horsmen, and the cytye of Kyr shewed the shylde open. 7 Thy chefe valley also was full of charetes, and the horsmen set theyr faces directly towarde the gate.