23 Whatsoeuer also belongeth to the lawe of the God of heauen, let the same be done without anye delaye for the house of the God of heauen, that he be not wroth agaynst the realme, & agaynst the kynge, and hys chyldren.
24 And we certifye you, that ye haue no auctorite to requyre taxinge and custome, and yearly rentes vpon any of the preastes, Leuites, syngers, porters, Nethinims and ministers in the house of his God.
25 And thou Esdras (after the wysdome of thy God, that is in thy hande) sett iudges and arbiters (by my auctorite) to iudge all the people that is beyonde the water, euen all soch as knowe the lawe of thy God: and them that knowe it not, those se that ye teach.
26 And whosoeuer wyll not fulfyll the lawe of thy God, and the kynges lawe, let him haue his iudgement without delaye, whether it be vnto death, or to be rooted out, or to be condemned in goodes, or to be put in preson.
27 Blessed be the Lorde God of oure fathers, which so hath inspired the kynges hert, to garnysh the house of the Lorde, that is at Ierusalem:
28 and hath enclyned his mercy vnto me in the presence of the kyng, & his councelers, and before all the kynges hye estates. And I was conforted (euen as the hande of the Lorde my God was vpon me) & so geathered I the heades of Israell together, that they myghte go vp with me.