5 If a man be godly, & do the thinge that is equall and ryght,
6 he eateth not vpon the hylles: he lyfteth not hys eyes vp to the foule Idols of Israel: he defyleth not his neyghbours wyfe: he medleth wt no menstruous woman:
7 he greueth no body: he geueth his detter his pledge agayne, he taketh none other mans good by violence: he parteth his mete wt the hongrye: he clotheth the naked:
8 he lendeth nothynge vpon vsury he taketh nothynge ouer: he wythdraweth his hande from doynge wronge: he dealeth faythfully betwixte man & man:
9 & walketh in my commaundementes, and kepeth my lawes, & perfourmeth them faythfully: This is a ryghtuous man, he shall surely lyue sayeth the Lorde God.