Deuteronomy 24:14-22

Great(i) 14 Thou shalt not defraude an hyred seruaunte that is nedye and poore, whether he be of thy brethen, or of the straungers that are in thy lande with in thy gates. 15 But shall geue him his hyer the same daye, and lett not the sonne go doune theron. For he is nedye, and therwith susteyneth his lyfe, lest he crye agaynst the vnto the Lorde, and it be synne vnto the. 16 The fathers shall not dye for the chyldren, nor the chyldren for the fathers: but euery man shall dye for hys awne synne. 17 Thou shalt not hynder the ryght of the straunger nor of the fatherlesse, nor take a wedowes rayment to pledge. 18 But remembre that thou wast a seruaunte in Egypte, and howe the Lorde thy God delyuered the thence: And therfore I commaunde the to do thys thynge. 19 When thou cuttest doune thyne herueste in thy felde, and hast forgotte a shefe in the felde, thou shalt not go agayne to fett it. But it shalbe for the straunger, the fatherlesse & the wedowe, that the Lord thy God maye blesse the in all the workes of thyne hande. 20 When thou beatest doune thyne olyue tree, thou shalt not turne agayne to gather vp that thou leftest behynde the: but it shalbe for the straunger, the fatherlesse and the wedowe. 21 When thou getherest thy vineyarde, thou shalt not gether the grapes cleane after the: but leaue them for the straunger, the fatherlesse and the wedowe. 22 And remembre that thou also wast a seruaunte in the lande of Egipte: and therfore I commaunde the to do thys thynge.