10 Then Paul (after that the debite hym selfe had beckened vnto hym that he shulde speake) answered: With a moare quiet minde do I answere for my selfe,
11 for as moche as I vnderstande, that thou hast bene of many yeares a iudge vnto thys people, because that thou mayest knowe, that ther are yet, but twelue dayes sence I went vp to Ierusalem for to worshyppe,
12 and they nether founde me in the temple disputynge with eny man, ether raysinge vp the people, nether in the Synagoges, nor in the cytie.
13 Nether can they proue the thynges wherof they accuse me
14 But thys I confesse vnto the, that after the waye (which they call heresye) so worship I the God of my fathers, beleuynge all thinges which are wrytten in the lawe & the prophetes,
15 and haue hope towardes God, that the same resurreccion of the deed (which they them selues loke for also) shalbe, both of iust and vniust.
16 And therfore study I to haue allwaye a cleare conscience toward God, and towarde men.