2 Samuel 21:1-6

Great(i) 1 Then there fell an hongre in the dayes of Dauid, thre yeres together. And Dauid enquired of the Lorde. And the Lorde answered: it is for Saul, and the house of bloude, because he slue the Gibaonites. 2 And the kynge called the Gibaonites, & sayde vnto them (Nowe the Gibaonites were, not of the chyldren of Israel, but a remnaunt of the Ammorites, and the chyldren of Israel sware vnto them: And Saul sought to sley them, for a zele that he had to the children of Israel and of Iuda.) 3 Wherfore Dauid sayde vnto them, what shall I do for you, and wherwith shall I make the attonement, that ye maye blesse the enheritaunce of the Lorde? 4 The Gibaonites answered him: we wyll haue no syluer ner gold, of Saul ner of hys house: nether is it oure mynde, that thou shuldest kyll any man in Israel. He sayde: what saye ye then that I shall do for you? 5 They answered the kinge: the man that consumed vs, & ymagened to brynge vs to nought him will we destroye, that nought of him continewe in any of the coastes of Israel. 6 Let seuen men of his sonnes be delyuered vnto vs, and we will hange them vp vnto the Lorde, in Gibeah of Saul, whom the Lorde dyd chose. And the kynge sayde: I will geue them you.