2 Samuel 14:24-15:18

Great(i) 24 And the kyng sayd: let him turne to hys awne house, and not se my face. And so Absalom returned to hys awne house, and sawe not the kynges face. 25 But in all Israel there was not so goodlye a man as Absalom, for he was very bewtifull: in so moche that from the sole of his fote to the toppe of his heed, there was no blemeshe in him. 26 And when he shaued hys heed (for at euery yeares end he shaued it, because the heer was heute on hym and must nedes shaue it) the heere of his heed wayed two hundred cycles after the kynges weyght. 27 And this Absalom had thre sonnes borne him and one daughter, named Thamar, whyche was afayre, woman to loke vpon. 28 So Absalom dwelt two yere in Ierusalem, & sawe not the kynges face. 29 Therfore Absalom sent for Ioab, to haue sent hym to the kinge. But he wolde not come to him. And whan he sent agayne, he wolde not come. 30 Therfore he sayde vnto hys seruauntes: beholde, Ioab hath a parcell of lande fast by my place, and he hath barlye therin. Go, and set it on fire. And Absaloms seruauntes sett it on fyre. 31 Then Ioab arose & came to Absalom vnto his house, & sayde vnto him: wherfore haue thy seruauntes burnt my felde wyth fyre. 32 And Absalom answered Ioab: beholde, I sent for the, desyringe the to come, because I wolde haue sent the to the kinge, for to saye: wherfore am I come from Gesur. It had bene better for me, to haue bene there styll. Nowe therfore, wolde I se the kynges face. And yf there be any trespace in me, kyll thou me. 33 And so Ioab came to the kynge, & tolde him: whych whan he had sent for Absalom, he came to the kynge, and fell to the grounde on hys face before hym. And the kynge kyssed Absalom. 15 1 After this it fortuned, that Absalom gatt hym charettes and horsses, and fyftie men to runne before him. 2 And he roase vp erlye in the morninges, and stode in the place of the entring in of the gate. And euery man that had anye matter and came to the kynge for iudgement, him dyd Absalom call vnto hym, and sayde: of what cytie art thou? He answered: thy seruaunt is of one of the trybes of Israel. 3 And Absalom sayde vnto hym: se, thy matter is good and ryghteous, but there is no man deputed of the kynge to heare the. 4 Absalom sayde moreouer: Oh, that I were made iudge in the lande, that euery man which hath anye pleye and matter in the lawe, myght come to me, and that I myght do him iustice? 5 And whan any man came nye to hym, and dyd him obeysaunce, he put forth his hande and toke hym to hym, and kyssed hym. 6 And on this maner dyd Absalom to all Israel that came to the kynge for Iudgement, and he stale the hertes of the men of Israel. 7 And after fourtye yeres it fortuned that Absalom sayde vnto the kynge: let me go nowe to Hebron, and paye my vowe which I haue vowed, vnto the Lorde: 8 for thy seruaunt vowed a vowe (when I was in Gesur in the lande of Siria) sayeng: yf the Lord shall bringe me agayne to Ierusalem, I will serue the Lord. 9 And the kynge sayde vnto hym: go in peace. And so he arose, and went to Hebron. 10 But Absalom sent spyes thorowe out all the tribes of Israel sayenge: as sone as ye heare the voyce of the trompet blowe, ye shall saye: Absalom raigneth kynge in Hebron. 11 And with Absalom went two hundred men out of Ierusalem, that were called. And they went wt pure hertes, not knowinge of any thynge. 12 And Absalom sent also for Ahithophel the Gilonite Dauids counseller, that he shulde come out of hys cytie Gilo, whyle he offered sacrifyces. And there was wrought stronge treason. For the people went and increased wt Absalom in multitude. 13 And there cam a messenger to Dauid & sayd: the hertes of the men of Israel are turned after Absalom. 14 And Dauid sayde vnto all his seruauntes that were wt him at Ierusalem: vp, that we maye be gone, for we shall not else escape from Absalom. Make spede, to departe: leste he come sodenlie, and catche vs, & bringe some myscheffe vpon vs, and smyte the cytie with the edge of the swerde. 15 And the kynges seruauntes sayde vnto him: beholde, thy seruauntes are redye, to do whatsoeuer my Lord the kyng shall apoynte. 16 And the kynge & all his housholde departed a fote. And he left behinde hym ten concubines, to kepe the house. 17 And so the kynge & all the people went out a fote, & taryed in a place that was farre of. 18 And all his seruauntes went about him. And all the Cerethites and all the Phelethites and all the Gethites (euen .vj. hundred men whych were come a fote from Geth) went before the kynge.