2 Samuel 13:28-31

Great(i) 28 Nowe had Absalom commaunded his younge men, sayenge: marke when Amnons hert is mery wyth wyne & when I byd you smyte Amnon, then kyll hym: and feare not, haue not I bydden you? be bolde therfore, & playe the men. 29 And the younge men of Absalom dyd vnto Amnon euen as Absalom had commaunded. And all the kynges sonnes arose, & euery man gat hym vp, vpon hys Mule, & fled. 30 And it fortuned, that whyle they were yet in the waye, tydynges cam to Dauid sayeng: Absalom hath slayne all the kynges sonnes, & there is none left alyue. 31 Then Dauid arose, & tare his garmentes, and laye along on the erth: & all his seruauntes stode by with theyr clothes rent.