11 But Naaman was wroth, & went a waye, & sayde. Beholde I thought wt my selfe: he wolde surely come out, and stande & call on the name of the Lorde his God, and put his hande on the place that he maye heale the leprosie.
12 Are not Abana & Pharphar, ryuers of Damasco, better then all the waters of Israel? Yf I washe me also in them, shall I not be clensed? And so he turned him, and departed with displeasure.
13 And his seruauntes came, & commoned with hym, and sayde: Father, yf the prophete had bydd the do some great thinge, oughtest thou not to haue done it? How moch rather then, whan he sayth to the: wasshe, and be cleane?
14 Then went he downe, & wasshed him selfe seuen tymes in Iordan, accordynge to the sayinge of the man of God, & his flesshe chaunged, like vnto the flesshe of a lytle chylde, & he was cleansed.