31 The Auites made Nibbaz, and Tharthak. And the Sepharuites burnt theyr chyldren in fyre for Adramelech and Anamelech, the Gods of Sepharuaim.
32 And so they feared the Lorde, and made them Preastes of the Hyllaulters, which sacrifyced for them in the houses of the Hyllaulters.
33 And so they feared the Lorde, and serued theyr awne Gods after the maner of the people, whom they caryed thence.
34 And vnto this daye they do after the olde maner: and nether feare God, nether do after theyr ordinaunces and customes, and after the lawe and commaundement which the Lorde commaunded the chyldren of Iacob, whom he called Israel.
35 And the Lorde made an appoyntement wyth them, and charged them, sayenge: feare none other Goddes, nor bowe youre selues to them, nor serue them nor sacrifyce to them:
36 but feare the Lord which brought you out of the lande of Egypte with greate power and a stretched out arme: hym feare, and to hym bowe, and to hym do sacrifyce.
37 The statutes, ordinaunces, lawe and commaundement which he wrote for you, se that ye be diligent to do for euermore, & feare not any other goddes.
38 And the appoyntement that I haue made with you, se ye forget not and feare none other goddes:
39 but the Lorde youre God ye shall feare, and he shall deliuer you out of the handes of all youre enemyes.
40 Howbeit, they dyd not herken, but dyd after theyr olde custome.
41 And so these nacions feared the Lorde, and serued theyr ymages also: lyke as dyd theyr chyldren and theyr chyldrens chyldren. Euen as dyd theyr fathers, so do they vnto thys daye.