13 doyng euery thynge in his due tyme and offerynge accordynge to the commaundement of Moses, in the sabbothes, newmoones, and solempne feastes, thre tymes in the yeare, that is to saye, in the feast of swete bread, in the feast of weakes, and in the feast of tabernacles.
14 And Salomon set the sortes of preastes to their offyces, as Dauid his father had ordered them, and the Leuites in theyr watches for to prayse & ministre before the preastes daye by daye, and the porters by course at euery gate. For so had Dauid the man of God commaunded.
15 And they omytted not the commaundement of the kynge vnto the preastes and the Leuytes, concernynge eny maner of thynge, and concernynge the treasures.
16 For Salomon made prouision for the charges, from the fyrst daye that the foundacion of the house of the Lorde was layde: tyll it was fynished, that the house of the Lorde was perfecte.