4 And the kynge and all the people offered sacrifyces before the Lorde.
5 And kynge Salomon offered a sacrifyce of .xxij. thousande oxen, and an hundred & twentye thousande shepe. And so the kynge and all the people dedicated the house of God.
6 And the preastes wayted on their offyces, and the Leuites had the instrumentes of musycke of the Lorde, which kynge Dauid had made to confesse vnto the Lorde, that his mercye lasteth euer, playenge a psalme of Dauid with their hande. And the preastes blewe with trompettes before them: and all they of Israel stode.
7 Moreouer, Salomon halowed the myddle of the courte, that was before the Lorde: for there he offered burntofferinges and the fatt of the peaceofferynges, because the brasen aulter which Salomon had made, was not able to receaue the burntofferynges and the meateofferynges and the fatte.
8 So at the same tyme Salomon kepte a feast of seuen dayes, and all they of Israel with him, an exceadynge great congregacyon, euen from the entringe in of Hamath, vnto the ryuer of Egypt.
9 And in the eyght daye they made a gatheringe. For they kepte the dedicacyon of the aulter seuen dayes, and the feast seuen dayes.