1 After that these deades were faythfully done Sennacherib kynge of Assur came, & entred into Iuda, & compased the stronge cyties, and thought to winne them for him selfe.
2 And so when Hezekia sawe that Sennacherib was come, & that he was purposed to fyght agaynst Ierusalem,
3 he toke councel with his Lordes, and men of myght to stop the water of the fountaynes without the cytie: & they dyd helpe him.
4 For ther gathered many of the people together, & stopte al the welles, and the broke that ranne thorow the myddes of the lande, sayenge: why shall the kynges of Assur come, and fynde moch water?
5 And Hezekia went to lustelye, and built vp all the wal where it was broken, & made ordinaunce vpon the towres and to the other wall without, and repayred Myllo in the cytie of Dauid, and made many dartes and shyldes.
6 And he sett captaynes of warre ouer the people, and gathered them together to hym in the large strete of the gate of the cytie, and spake ientely to them, saying: