2 Chronicles 29:22-24

Great(i) 22 And they slue the oxen, & the preastes receaued the bloude, & sprinkled it on the aulter: lyke wyse, whan they had slayne the rammes, they sprinkled the bloude vpon the aulter: they slue also the shepe, & they sprinkled the bloud vpon the aulter. 23 And then they brought forth the hegoates for the synne offerynge before the kynge and the congregacyon, & put theyr handes vpon them. 24 And the preastes slue them, and with the bloude of them they clensed the aulter, to make satisfaccion for all Israel: for the kynge commaunded, that the burnt offerynge and the synne offering shulde be made for all Israel.