5 Wherfore the Lorde his God delyuered him into the hande of the kynge of the Siriens: which bet him, & caried awaye a great multitude of hys captiue, and brought them to Damascon. And he was delyuered into the hande of the kynge of Israel, which smote him with a greate slaughter.
6 For Pekah the sonne of Remaliahu slue in Iuda an hundred & twentye thousande in one daye, which were all fyghtinge men: and that because they had forsaken the Lorde God of theyr fathers.
7 And Zichria mightye man of Ephraim slue Maasiahu the kynges sonne, & Africa the gouernour of the house, and Elcana that was next to the kynge.
8 And the children of Israel toke prisoners of theyr brethren, two hundred thousande wemen, sonnes, & daughters, & caryed awaye moche spoyle of them, & brought the spoyle to Samaria.
9 But there was a prophete of the Lordes (whose name was Obed) and he went out before the host that came to Samaria, & sayde vnto them. Beholde, because the Lorde God of youre fathers is wroth wt Iuda, he hath delyuered them into youre hande. And ye haue slayne them with cruelnesse, that reacheth vp to heauen.
10 And nowe ye purpose to kepe vnder the chyldren of Iuda and Ierusalem, and to make them bondmen and bondwemen. And do ye not lade youre selues with synne in the syght of the Lorde youre God?
11 Nowe heare me therfore, and delyuer the captyues agayne which ye haue taken of youre brethren. for els shall the great wrath of God be vpon you.
12 Wherfore, certayne of the heedes of the chyldren of Ephraim, as Asaria the sonne of Iehohanan. Berechiahu the sonne of Mesillemoth, and Iehezkiahu the sonne of Sallum, and Amasa the sonne of Hadlai, stode vp agaynst them that came from the warre,
13 and sayde vnto them: bringe not in the captiues hyther. For where as we haue offended towarde God allreadye, ye entende to adde more to our synnes & trespace. For our trespace is great allready, and there is a fearce wrath agaynst Israel.
14 And vpon that, the men of armes lefte the captiues and the spoyle before the Lordes and all the congregacyon.
15 And the men that were nowe rehearsed by name, rose vp, and toke the prisoners, & with the spoyle clothed all that were naked amonge them, and arayed them, & shoed them, & gaue them to eate and to drinke, & anoynted them, and caryed all that were feble of them vpon asses, & brought them to Iericho (the cytie of Paulme trees) to theyr brethren: & then they returned to Samaria agayne.