1 Samuel 25:4-8

Great(i) 4 And Dauid heard in the wildernesse, that Nabal dyd shere hys shepe. 5 And Dauid sent out ten young men, and sayde vnto them: get you vp to Carmel, and go to Nabal, and grete hym in my name. 6 And thus shal ye saye: peace be to the, peace be to thyne house, & peace be vnto all that thou hast. 7 Beholde, I haue heard saye, that thou hast sherers. Now, thy sheperdes were with vs and we dyd them no spyte, nether was there ought myssing vnto them, all the whyle they were in Carmel: 8 aske thy laddes, & they will shew the. Wherfore let these young men fynde fauore in thine eyes (for we come in a good ceason) and geue I praye the whatsoeuer commeth to thyne hande, vnto thy seruauntes, and to thy sonne Dauid.