1 Samuel 25:4-8

Coverdale(i) 4 Now whan Dauid herde in the wyldernes yt Nabal clypped his shepe, 5 he sent out ten yonge men, & saide vnto them: Go vp vnto Carmel, & whan ye come to Nabal, salute him frendly on my behalfe, 6 & saye: Good lucke, peace be wt the & thine house, & with all yt thou hast. 7 haue herde saye that thou hast shepe clyppers. Now yi shepherdes whom thou hast, haue bene with vs, we haue done them no dishonoure, and they wated nothinge of their nombre, as longe as they were at Carmel: 8 Axe thy yonge men, they shal tell the, and let thy yonge men fynde fauoure in yi sighte: for we are come in a good daye, geue thy seruauntes & thy sonne Dauid what thy hande fyndeth.