16 And the watche men of Saul in Gibea Ben Iamin, sawe. And beholde, the people (of the Philistines) were skatered & were smytten as they went.
17 Then sayde Saul vnto the people that was with him. Searche and se, who is gone awaye from vs. And when they had nombred, beholde, Ionathas & hys harnesbearer were not there.
18 And Saul sayde vnto Ahia: bringe hither the arcke of God. For the arcke of God was at that tyme wyth the chyldren of Israel.
19 And it fortuned that while Saul talked vnto the preaste, the noyse that was in the hoste of the Philistines spred farther abrode, & increased. And Saul sayde vnto the preaste: wt drawe thyne handes.
20 And Saul ioyned hymselfe vnto all the people that were with him, & they came to the battell. And beholde euery mannes swerde was agaynst his felowe, and there was a very greate rumore.