1 And beholde, there came a man of God out of Iuda (by the worde of the Lord) vnto Bethel, & Ieroboam stode by the aulter to put incense.
2 And he cried agaynst the aultare in the worde of the Lord & sayde. O aultare, aultare, thus sayth the Lord: Beholde, a chylde shall be borne vnto the house of Dauid, (Iosia by name) & vpon the shall he offer the preastes of the hillaultares that burne incense vpon the, & mennes bones shalbe brent vpon the.
3 And he gaue a token the same tyme, sayenge: thys is the token, that the Lorde hath spoken it. Beholde, the aulter shall rent, and the asshes that are vpon it, shall fall out.
4 And when the kynge hearde the sayenge of the man of God (which had cryed agaynst the aulter in Bethel) he stretched out hys hande from the aultare, sayenge: hold him. And his hande which he put forth agaynst him, dryed vp, & he coulde not pull it in agayne to hym:
5 the aulter also claue asunder, and the asshes fell out from the aulter, accordinge to the token which the man of God had geuen by the worde of the Lorde.
6 And the kynge answered, and sayde vnto the man of God. Oh praye vnto the Lorde thy God, and make intercessyon for me, that my hande maye be restored me agayne. And the man of God besought the Lorde, and the kynges hande was restored agayne, & became as it was afore.
7 And the kynge sayde vnto the man of God come home with me, that thou mayest dyne, and I wyll geue the a rewarde.
8 And the man of God sayde vnto the kynge: yf thou woldest geue me halfe thyne house, I will not go in with the, nether wyll I eate breade or drincke water in thys place.
9 For so was it charged me, thorowe the worde of the Lorde, sayeng: eate no bread nor dryncke water, nor turne againe by the same waye that thou camest.
10 And so he went another waye, & returned not by the waye that he came to Bethel.