Romans 14:13-23

Goodspeed(i) 13 Therefore let us not criticize one another any more. You must resolve instead never to put any hindrance or obstacle in your brother's way. 14 I know and as a follower of the Lord Jesus I am convinced that nothing is unclean in itself; a thing is unclean only to the man who regards it as unclean. 15 For if your brother's feelings are hurt by what you eat, your life is not governed by love. You must not, by what you eat, ruin a man for whom Christ died. 16 The thing you have a right to do must not become a cause of reproach. 17 The Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of uprightness, peace, and happiness through the possession of the holy Spirit. 18 Whoever serves Christ in that way pleases God and gains the approval of men. 19 Let us, therefore, keep before us whatever will contribute to peace and the development of one another. 20 You must not, just for the sake of food, undo the work of God. It is true, everything is clean, but it is wrong for a man to hurt the consciences of others by what he eats. 21 The right thing to do is to eat no meat at all and to drink no wine or do anything else if it hurts your brother's conscience. 22 For your part, you must keep the faith you have to yourself, as between God and you. He is a happy man who has no fault to find with himself in following the course that he approves, 23 but the man who has misgivings about eating, and then eats, is thereby condemned, for he is not following his convictions, and anything that does not rest on conviction is wrong.