Luke 20:27-40

Geneva(i) 27 Then came to him certaine of the Sadduces (which denie that there is any resurrection) and they asked him, 28 Saying, Master, Moses wrote vnto vs, If any mans brother die hauing a wife, and hee die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise vp seede vnto his brother. 29 Now there were seuen brethren, and the first tooke a wife, and he dyed without children. 30 And the second tooke the wife, and he dyed childelesse. 31 Then the third tooke her: and so likewise the seuen dyed, and left no children. 32 And last of all the woman dyed also. 33 Therefore at the resurrection, whose wife of them shall she be? for seuen had her to wife. 34 Then Iesus answered, and sayd vnto them, The children of this world marry wiues, and are married. 35 But they which shalbe counted worthy to enioy that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry wiues, neither are married. 36 For they can die no more, forasmuch as they are equall vnto the Angels, and are the sonnes of God, since they are the children of the resurrection. 37 And that the dead shall rise againe, euen Moses shewed it besides the bush, when he said, The Lord is the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob. 38 For he is not the God of the dead, but of them which liue: for all liue vnto him. 39 Then certaine of the Scribes answered, and sayd, Master, thou hast well sayd. 40 And after that, durst they not aske him any thing at all.