8 Now his disciples had gone into the city to buy for them meat.
9 The woman, the Shomroytha, saith to him, How (canst) thou who art a Jihudoya ask drink of me who am a woman, a Shomroytha? For the Jihudoyee have no accommodation* with the Shomroyee. [* Vide MASII Pec. Syr., in voce Chashach.]
10 Jeshu answered and said to her, If thou hadst known the gift of Aloha, and who He is who hath said to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he had given thee living waters.
11 That woman saith to him, My Lord, thou hast no vessel, and the well is deep; whence hast thou living waters?