Zechariah 11:8-13

ECB(i) 8 And in one month, I chop off three tenders; and my soul loathes them, and their soul also loathes me. 9 Then I say, I tend you not: what dies, dies; and what is cut off, is cut off; and of them who survive, each woman eats the flesh of sister. 10 And I take my staff, Pleasantness, and cut it, to break the covenant I cut with all the people: 11 and I break it in that day: and thus the humble of the flock who guard me know it is the word of Yah Veh. 12 And I say to them, If good in your eyes, give me my hire; and if not, cease. - and they weigh for my hire thirty silver. 13 And Yah Veh says to me, Cast it to the former: - a mighty appraisal I am appraised by them. - and I take the thirty silver and cast them to the former in the house of Yah Veh.