Titus 2:5-15

ECB(i) 5 soundminded, hallowed, home guards, good, subjugate to their own men; that they not blaspheme the word of Elohim. 6 Likewise beseech the young * to be sound minded: 7 concerning all, present yourself a type of good works: in doctrine:, present: incorruption, veneration, incorruptibility, 8 faultless words; to shame whoever is of the contrary part, with no evil to word about you. **feminine; *masculine 9 Servants: subjugate to your own despotes to well-please them in all; neither contradict, 10 nor embezzel; but that they indicate all good trust, to adorn the doctrine of Elohim our Saviour in all. 11
For the salvational charism of Elohim appeared to all humanity, 12 disciplining us to deny irreverence and cosmic pantings, to live soundmindedly, justly and reverently in this present eon; 13 awaiting that blessed hope and the epiphany of the glory of the mega Elohim and our Saviour Yah Shua Messiah; 14 who gave himself for us, to redeem us from all torah violations and purify a peculiar people to himself - zealots in good works. 15 Speak these and beseech and reprove with all order. be disesteemed by no one;